Sunday, December 17, 2017

Family Pictures ~ 2017 Christmas Card

We did our family Christmas card shoot in September on an 80 degree day. It was great fun. We also did it by our selves and Daddy forgot his camera remote so he did some "set the timer and run" action.  We went to the shaded parts of the Dale Richard's Trail on the nature preserve in Drexel Town Square.

Cecelia was the biggest helper with Charlotte. I've learned over the year with toddlers and pictures, that it only takes one good one and let em hold a toy and bribe them with suckers. Oh, and pray! Cecelia made her happy and kept her walking. She is really the world's best big sister

The white dress in the photos is my grandmother's dress. All the girls in the family have worn it. See Cecelia and a few surprise wearers in this post here. 

My first baby! 8 Year Old.

My boy! #coletynisms Five years old.

Some behind the scenes photos!

See some more family pictures in the posts below.
Coletyn's infant pictures at this link -
Photography by Emily Johnson Photography

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