Sunday, December 28, 2014

SIX Years Old...

Cecelia is six!!

As per our routine, she got to pick what she wanted on her cake. She requested a hummingbird on a pink cake. I attempted to turn the pink into a flower but didn't quite turn out!! She didn't care!

Mom had us over for dinner since Cecelia's birthday was on a weekday. Saved this really pregnant lady some work!! Thanks G-ma!

A little helper helped blow out the candles!!

Her school birthday crown.. very cooperative for pictures!

Cozy new pajamas!

The little show stealer, again!

This year Cecelia was begging for a friends birthday party. She took two girl friends to Kids in Motion a few Saturdays ago. Easy, easy party. Let them play. Packed lunches. "Baked" a rice crispy treat cake. Let them play some more. Done!

Cecelia has also been begging for bangs "like mommy" for a few months. We (I) decided to let her give it a go. Sure, add more work to our morning routine to get all of us out of the house... great idea mommy!!

But, I think they turned out pretty cute. They make her look so grown up!

Happy birthday to my baby!! I can't believe how fast it goes...

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Big Boy! Snapshot...almost three!

I swear I blinked and my little baby turned into a little boy. In the last few months our little buddy has had many new firsts and has also turned into a big ham!!

The most noticeable has been with his speech. It's like talking to a real human now. He can have a conversation, talk about more than needs and wants and has little phrases, "Wait, wait, wait, now let me get this straight...!" It's adorable.

He is also an ABC master!!

Sleeps in a big boy bed (crib with the rail off.)

Is potty trained... I'll save you from a picture, but there are some. I assure you!!

Supports his favorite team!!

And.... made his first trip to the ER. Result... broken right tibia. There isn't a big story about how he got hurt. We really didn't see it. I heard the screams from the kitchen. Best we can figure is he was running and fell, possible falling on a toy bus. Regardless, it was traumatic... for all of us. I think I'll leave it at that. No need to traumatize any other mommies out there with the story.

Two days later he got his hard cast and clearance for no surgery from the ortho doc. A new hurdle in our lives now. Keeping the 41 pound almost three year old off of his leg for six weeks. Sure, no problem.
Momma's brave boy.

That's my little buddy. Two weeks shy of his big three year old birthday! But, he'll always be my baby!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Santa, I know him! 2014

Attempt Number One!!

We hit up Santa at the mall just before Thanksgiving incase it took us a few times of seeing him to work up the guts. As you can see, one was successful and the other got close. 

Attempt Number Two
We went to Discovery World for museum membership swap day and was surprised to see Santa was there. Cole ran right up to him. Cecelia walked up cautiously. They both went through their lists again!


Sunday, December 7, 2014

Lost time in pictures...2014

So, I have swallowed that I will never get to these blog posts but I'll post some pictures regardless to capture the moments here...
Watering her fairy garden outside of her bedroom window. Early June.

Playing in their pjs in a "boat!"

Ottowa Lake

Big Boy

State Fair- Giant Slide



Playing in under-roos. How cute is that tush!

Favorite Pool- Hoyt

Lunch on the patio- our summer oasis.


Train Zoo School- Good job daddy!

Flamingo Zoo School

Sweeping at Cider Sunday- Wehr Nature Center

Pressing cider at Cider Sunday- Wehr Natur Center.
Jason and I had our wedding ceremony in that exact spot... literally. We stood right there!

Breakfast date with mommy. Mommy had off of school and Cecelia didn't!

Betty Brinn

Green Meadows

Green Meadows- on the way to pick the perfect pumpkin!

Maker Space... "Plegos" as Coletyn calls them!

Early fall picnic.

Helping make Daddy's birthday cake.

I think that sufficiently catches us up!!