Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Seven.... ?

Yes. Cecelia is seven. Every year I am still shocked at how old she is getting!!

I finally figured out a way to spend more time with her when her birthday is during the week. I've decided that every year I'll take a few personal hours and volunteer in her classroom. She was SOOOO excited that I came!

We had a few minutes before Charlotte and Coletyn could be picked up after their naps. Starbucks and games just us!

Cecelia asked for a Frozen cake. Naturally, her momma delivered!

See an animation of the family cake picture here!

I sure love this girl!

Cecelia's Sixth Birthday here.
Cecelia's Fifth Birthday here.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Christmas 2015

Our holiday, 2015. Going backwards!!

Christmas break playtime.

Mommy's craft projects. Details here.


Puppet shows!



Christmas Eve!


Great-Grandma Lenore!

There was a gingerbread house too! I forgot to take pictures. Of course, they turned out better than the summer run!! See that here.

Santa success!

Short stuff diverting from intended plan....

Christmas day cooking yielded a french toast bake. I wasn't impressed so I am not sharing the recipe. But the cooked for two days french onion soup was to die for! The cranberry pork tenderloin and burnt wild rice weren't too shabby either!! Another wonderful holiday in the books.. without broken limbs. #Winning!

Christmas 2014- here and here
Yeah, that's the only Christmas post. Give me a break.. I was 36 weeks pregnant and had a 2 year old with a broken leg!
Christmas 2013- here