Friday, December 27, 2013

Cecelia is FIVE!

My baby turned five on December 10th. Here are some pics! Her highlight was probably getting to wear her birthday crown from her pre-school teacher "all day" at school!!

Cecelia requested a pink and orange pumpkin for a cake. Naturally, her mommy delivered. I used my grandmother's mini bundt pan for the orange pumpkin. Then I used these smaller mini bundt pans I had that were my great-grandmothers. Each little pumpkin took two of those cakes. One on the bottom and one flipped on put on top! She was very excited!!

She got a bunch of Bitty Baby clothing that I got in the summer at a warehouse sale!

The infamous birthday crown I referenced at the beginning of this post!

Big happy family!! (except for Cole apparently!)

Standing at her height poster at five years old!
Cecelia's birthday markers included being able to wink and snap now that she is five. She also mentioned her feet feeling bigger than when she was four!

My baby is growing too quickly... bittersweet, for sure!