Sunday, December 13, 2015

100 Quotes ***(100th Post)***

So, this is post number 100. As a blogger, how do I do? Do I overshare? Undershare? I am excited that I've figured out that I can just put my blogs into books instead of scrapbooking or digital scrapbooking the kids' lives. I think I've captured the pictures and the stories. I've even added little posts here and there for them to know what it was like to be their mommy. I know what piece has been missing....the things they say. 

In honor of my 100th post, I am going to share a collection of quotes. Some they have said. Some I have said. Some I have thought, learned or wished I could say. You decide!!!!

  • I have to poop.
  • Cecelia, while wearing her bug magnifying glass around her neck, "Momma, I'm going to get more bugs tomorrow and put them into my glass. I will squish them first though. But not the butterflies (we always have to have long talks about not squishing butterflies at the museum) or the ladybugs because I am not a butterfly killer. I don't kill bugs that don't bite."
  • Wash your hands.
  • I don't know who ate all of the Halloween candy?
  • How many tries at Santa should we schedule in this year?
  • First kid- one shower a day. Second kid- every other day. Third kid- what day did I put this nursing tank on?
  • Mom, where's my _____?
  • Have you seen my ______?
  • A kid took my ______. Where is it?
  • Apologies if you see my boob.
  • I pooped!
  • Momma!
  • That's why I said two hands on the Chromebook.
  • Sorry, we can't. No babysitter....
  • Paying for a babysitter isn't worth it for that.
  • We don't put our tooth brush on our pee-pee.
  • Close the door when you are naked.
  • Stop, every time you do that, she bites my boob.
  • Mom, I pooped.
  • Get your hands out of your pants.
  • Don't sniff each other's butts.
  • It looks disgusting.
  • I am not sitting in this kitchen forever. Let's go. Eat.
  • What do I need to eat to get desert? /  Probably exactly what I told you last night...
  • I don't want to do homework.
  • Mom, can we go to the dollar store over there? That's not the dollar store Coletyn, that's the bank. NO IT ISN'T momma. That's the dollar store. Where we go to buy dollars....
  • I pooped.
  • Get the fork off of your pee-pee.
  • Momma!
  • No, you may not have _____ for breakfast. I don't care if daddy lets you.
  • I honestly worry about the children's safety when I leave them alone with you...
  • No one wants to see that. Go put on pants.
  • Charlotte is sleeping. Whisper voices and no doors.
  • That elf is watching you.
  • Do you want the neighbors to see you naked? Close the door.
  • I'll like you forever. I'll love you for always. As long as I'm living my baby you'll be.
  • You already went potty three time in the last five minutes. Do not dare come out of this bedroom.
  • Momma!
  • You walked right past your father. Why didn't you ask him for help?
  • Momma, I'm an expert at hanging ornaments! - Coletyn, 3
  • We never wrap that around your neck or your pee-pee. That is dangerous.
  • I pooped.

  •  I am so exhausted... said the husband who has not been the one up with the baby multiple times a night for the last ten months.
  • I'm tired... said the husband who didn't just push the watermelon out of his loins.
  • Momma, here's your eyeballs. Now can you turn my show on? - Thanks for getting my glasses Coletyn.
  • Congrats, you kept them alive while I was gone.
  • You're sleeping. Go to bed.
  • Momma, why is my pee-pee long?
  • Can you change her diaper?/ I changed the last one../ I've nursed that baby every two hours for the last three months. Change the diaper.
  • Go ask your father.

  • Don't push your pee-pee inside out. Doesn't that hurt?
  • I think she's trying to kill me.
  • It's bedtime. Do NOT open that door.
  • Of course boys dance Coletyn. You will have so much fun!
  • Momma, the girls like me.
  • I pooped.
  • You shake that at me I'll hit it.
  • Don't play with the bull if you don't want the horns.
  • Momma, is my leg perfect again?

  • Momma!
  • Momma, what do I have to eat to get desert? ALL OF YOUR DINNER, just like the last two years of dinners.
  • I pooped.
  • How do you have to poop right now? We need to leave.
  • I'll never be skinny again.
  • They have NO sense of urgency.

  • I'm never doing this again.
  • Pitocin is the devil.
  • Yeah, you pooped at school finally (after 1.5 years).
  • You puke our your vegetables, no dessert.
  • Go ask your father.
  • Ask G-ma what you should pack in your suitcase.
  • Go sit on that strange man's lap and he'll give you candy. His name is Santa.
  • Sorry, you are about to see my boob.
  • Nipple cream. You can use it on anything!
  • She hasn't pooped in two weeks... I'm calling the pediatrician.
  • What am I? Google?
  • Go ask Google.

  • Momma, why did you lock the door?
  • I pooped.
  • What am I, your secretary?

  • Go, Pack, Go!
  • Momma will unlock the door when I am done.
  • Momma!
  • I pooped.
And number one hundred, because I think it at least that many times a day...
  • Cecelia, I LOVE YOU! Coletyn, I LOVE YOU! Charlotte, I LOVE YOU!

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