Sunday, December 6, 2015

Go Dad GO!

Jason spent all summer training for a century bike ride (100  miles).
Click here to see the race he participated in.

I wanted to make the experience of going to the race eventfully and exciting for the kids so they could see how daddy's hard work and lots of time spent away from them on the bike was for a big achievement.
We started a few days prior to the race in August making signs.

I gave them free reign. They did great!

Cecelia made a little sign for her doll to hold too. Daddy stole this sign and taped it to his bike!

The day of the race, Jason left around.. ass crack of dawn o'clock. The race started with the sun. We stayed at my grandmother's lake house on Winnebago which was actually right around the 9 mile mark of the race. The timing with Charlotte being up and the other kids still sleeping allowed me to haul my butt out of bed to try to see Jason pass for the first time.

The sun as I was leaving!

I got the the end of the block with and Jason was the third bike to pass me. Damn I'm good!

HOURS later on the hottest day in August (almost 100 degrees) Jason messaged me at the last rest point. So we all hauled to the finish line. Mom and Charlie rode the motorcycle up from Milwaukee to wait with us. Due to the heat and a horrible head wind, the last few miles took Jason about double what he anticipated. The kids waited.

And waited.

And waited.

And waited.

Finally he came!

Uncle Mike did the race too! They did great. 89.? miles. Not too shabby!

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