Thursday, July 25, 2013

Boy, Oh Boy!!

My little baby is now my little man. I can't believe it. I blinked and he wasn't an infant anymore. That is probably the biggest thing I hate about working. It feels like the days go way too quickly. Below are a year's worth of pictures starting with last summer when my little guy was fine chilling in the stroller. Yeah, that so isn't the case anymore. Now he ...

Summer 2012
Chills at his favorite pubs (summer 2012).
Models for his father (9 month pic. Sept. 2012).
Roots on his team!
First birthday lunch at mom's work (January 7. 2013).
And then, it starts! (Winter 2013)
Cecelia would have never done that.
 He quickly learned how to safely get down.
Art projects- G-Ma's mother's day bird house village project. (May 2013)
Wants to do what his sister does! (Milwaukee Art Museum, Father's Day 2013)
Date night with his sister (June 2013- 17 months).
Driving daddy's boat. (July 2014). First boat ride!
Taking notes on how to cut the grass. With a drink! (July 2013).
In the toy box! Rescue squad needed! (July 2013).
Never met an ice cream he didn't like. (July 2013)
Sand in unmentionable places!! (July 2013).

So there it is. My little baby is a little boy now. He can listen (when he wants) to get things or bring things. Finds eyes, nose, tongue, belly, and pee-pee (the easiest one for a little boy!). He wants to do whatever Cecelia is doing and keeps up quite well. He still melts my heart though. His changing table is on a dresser with a mirror. When I change him he grabs my neck, pulls me in tight and turns our heads so we are cheek to cheek to see eachother in the mirror. My boy... ... 

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