Saturday, July 13, 2013

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)

Am I talking about our backyard in this post? Nope!! This post is dedicated to where we are getting all of our veggies this summer (other than our backyard)!!  This year I signed up for a CSA from a Wisconsin farmer. What is a CSA? Click Here for explanation. I buy organic produce year round but love supporting local farmers. Unfortunately, all the local farmer's markets do not have farmers with organic produce. Then this winter, a girlfriend posted information about a new farmer from the west side of Madison, offering CSAs in the area. Weekly, June 15 through October. 2 drops in November and 1 in December. So, we signed up!  Long Arm Farm has definitely been spoiling us around here. Our (my) new favorite day of the week is Saturday!!  

Our first CSA box!
Early July Box

Why a CSA for our family. A couple of reasons!
  • I home cook everything. Due to my allergies and a dreadful hate of processed foods, I cook us everything.
  • I can preserve, can and freeze just about everything!
  • I take great pride in stocking our freezerS and mason jars to get us through the winter months!
  • I was bored with our same old recipes and needed a push to expand my culinary skills and our family's taste buds.
  • I always prefer to support local versus Mr. Woodman!
  • Organic produce isn't cheap. I've been very happy with the quantity of produce in each box.
  • It's been occupying my time off of work and giving me "something" for me to do (other than play with the kids and clean the house!) Seriously, doing things like this make me happy, feel appreciated and feel accomplished. As many of you know, life as a mother is very selfless. I found a way to feel good and productive and be able to provide healthy food for my family year round. 
  • Jason has been losing weight and I knew this would force me to cook veggies up the ying yang!
  • It's been a fun experience for Cecelia!
Curious what I do with everything? Stay tuned!! My CSA recipe Pinterest board..where the R&D begins!

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