Sunday, November 8, 2015

Baby Led Weaning- Charlotte's First Foods!

Baby led weaning. Baby led what? Baby led weaning, you know where you completely skip rice cereal and purees. Yeah, of course we do that!! For those not familiar with baby led weaning, here an article to read. Baby led Weaning 101.

This method isn't for the faint of heart... grandmas don't do well with it! No, they don't choke!
Charlotte's first food... pizza crust. #thirdkidproblems

green beans and peaches!

These videos were from when she first started. Since she wasn't rocking and rolling to the point of being able to eat finger foods by picking them up herself, when I went back to work in September I sent purred foods. So Charlotte gets the purees at the sitter (BLW freaks our sitter out!) and then Charlotte gets the whole foods at home. She is almost 8 months and has progressed to being able to start picking up finger foods, sucking the tomato and pear goodness right off the skin and pruning broccoli heads! She can start to swallow little pieces of foods. About another 6 weeks and she will probably be on all finger foods!!

So I started this post a while ago anticipating on adding videos as she got older of what Baby Led Weaning looks like as the kids get older but my kid made a change! She wasn't digging eating by her self any more. Goes to show you how different every kid is. She is preferring purees on a spoon from us! She sill loves the puffs she can pick up and she makes a silly face when eating the yogurt melts. I found BLW when Coletyn refused to eat purees off of a spoon at 6 months. Neither Charlotte or Coletyn started solids until six months. At 4 months, the pediatrician suggested starting rice cereal with Cecelia. First time mom, I didn't know any better. I blame that as the start of Cecelia's constipation issues that led to an enlarge colon and a five year battle, ugh. So even though Charlotte sort of stopped the BLW portion, she only gets purees from real foods or fruit or vegetable pouches. I make sure not to use nutritionless fillers. We do the yogurt melts and puffs for her to practice her pincer grip! I still can't believe my baby is 9 months old...!

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