Friday, August 8, 2014

For REALZ, Number Three!

Yep, for real. Number three is due 1/31/2015. I'm counting on early February, however, considering my track record! We waited quite a while to tell most, including the kids. Cecelia has known now for almost a week. Every morning she wakes up with a baby in her belly (in her zipper pjs)! We shall see how long that lasts. We also told Coletyn, obviously, but he has no clue!

I'll also take a bit to apologize for my blog absence. A huge reason why I began blogging was because I had a grandmother (dad's mom) in Houston who was my audience. She passed in February. It put me in a bit of a blogging funk. Then the end of the year craziness of the school year was in full swing. This was followed by May and June spent sleeping, June and July spent puking, and now it's August and all of a sudden summer is coming to a close. I really do want to continue blogging as it is apparently the only record keeping I do of our family! (I am 4 year behind on scrapbooking and haven't cracked Coletyn's baby book yet!) Get on it, Eiting.

Let's see what the next few posts bring... I've got some catching up to do! Toodles!

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