Sunday, January 11, 2015

Kicking A$$ and Taking Names

D-Day, January 31st or some random day prior.... That has been our end goal for the never ending list of things that had to get completed including multiple kid's birthdays, mountains of baby/kid's clothes, etc before the baby comes. I'm feeling good about the status of the list. For the anxious post regarding the "list" see the post linked here.

The original list expanded a bit from when it was drafted. Things we couldn't anticipate to include on the list were: Kid with broken leg, found more mold left over from 2014's polar vortex, and the million things I forgot to add to the list to begin with!!

Initial Draft

Hot damn... it's almost done!

I have to say there is one elusive item on the list... pack hospital bag. For some reason I just can't get to this. I think I may be in denial still that we are having a third child although there isn't a second of the day that the agony doesn't remind me. I think we are getting to the point where I may be jinxing a due date baby by not packing it!! It would be nice to wait a few more weeks. Cole will be getting a short cast on the 23rd. That would be nice. I have a few more things to wrap up at school. That would be nice.  A little more space after Coletyn's birthday. That would be nice. We shall see. Cecelia was two weeks early and Coletyn was induced 5 days late!! Your guess is as good as ours!!

Overall, we are in quite good shape I think. Unless I am forgetting something huge!!! 

Two cuddle bugs today!

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