Sunday, December 7, 2014

Lost time in pictures...2014

So, I have swallowed that I will never get to these blog posts but I'll post some pictures regardless to capture the moments here...
Watering her fairy garden outside of her bedroom window. Early June.

Playing in their pjs in a "boat!"

Ottowa Lake

Big Boy

State Fair- Giant Slide



Playing in under-roos. How cute is that tush!

Favorite Pool- Hoyt

Lunch on the patio- our summer oasis.


Train Zoo School- Good job daddy!

Flamingo Zoo School

Sweeping at Cider Sunday- Wehr Nature Center

Pressing cider at Cider Sunday- Wehr Natur Center.
Jason and I had our wedding ceremony in that exact spot... literally. We stood right there!

Breakfast date with mommy. Mommy had off of school and Cecelia didn't!

Betty Brinn

Green Meadows

Green Meadows- on the way to pick the perfect pumpkin!

Maker Space... "Plegos" as Coletyn calls them!

Early fall picnic.

Helping make Daddy's birthday cake.

I think that sufficiently catches us up!!

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