Monday, June 17, 2013


Welcome to the new Eiting Family Blog. This blog was officially started the summer of 2013 when I realized that my old blog and platform were the least user friendly thing out there, hence, my last blog post was Coletyn's 3 month pictures in April 2012! I have captured all the information stored on the old blog. It is in it's own tab(page) linked here or found on the home page.

While realizing that I let more than a year go by, I also realized that I've personally let a year go by. I feel like the stress and anxiety of being a working mom trying to do it all, made me miss Coletyn's first year of life. I know I didn't miss it, but it feels like I did. Thankfully, I am married to a photographer who has captured the major events but I've already forgotten the little things like cuddling outside on the porch swing with Cecelia tonight. Well, this is no more. I am forcing myself to find something to treasure every day (not the laundry, dishes, bills, etc). Something that will really pay myself back for everything that mothers "take care of" on a daily basis. Some of these treasures I will capture on this blog. Some will be captured in my heart. And finally, some will be captured in my memories. But if ever a day goes by that I am feeling it's hard to capture something, I can always come here and find that reminder of why we (mothers) keep going.... enjoy!

Dabbling in the fountains at the Milwaukee Art Museum. Image Yasmin TajikMay 2013

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